cinphul - soleil [earrings] @ The Warehouse Sale
- Note: Earrings rigged for Swallow Gauged S Human+Pixie M/F. It comes with a texture HUD for customization and is also editable.
TRIGGERED - Oversight glasses
- Unholy Lip Piercing
- Note: Both of these items come with a texture HUD for customization. The lip piercing is a rigged item for LeLutka and Genus heads - check the list for compatibility before purchase.
- Note: EvoX and Classic BoM enabled. Comes in 3 intensities: Dark, Medium and Light. In this photo I am using the Medium intensity.
AZOURY - L'autre @ Cosmopolitan
- Note: Unrigged accessory that resembles a fairy. In this photo, I have attached it to the left hand and wore it as a ring. Comes in Gold and Silver.
- Eira Glossy Eyeshadow [BOM/EvoX] @ Harajuku
- Note: The eyes come as appliers for different heads, omega and also as BoM versions. The eyeshadows have 2 versions, one of them for deeper skintones. In this photo I have combined #13 V1 and V2 for a deeper purple tone.
Modulus - Ravi Hair - Fatpack
- The set contains the bodysuit and interactive pants (not shown in this photo). The pants work on a click basis that makes the menu pop up: 2 undress versions available + a reset. Comes with a texture HUD for customization.
FACS - Seg Fishnet Gloves 1.1
[CX] - Lance Piercing (Bento) - Silver
:::SOLE::: - SA - BT Belt MIKI (White Black)
- SA - Collar U-Probe (Black)
- SA - Proof 2.0 (Black) (Tr)
Garmonbozia - Armor ring FATPACK
[Angel Craft] - Fullcandies coat 5 @ Planet29