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AZOURY - Chattemite - Available @ WCF

- Note: Comes in 4 colors: Oxyx, Onyx&Brown, Onyx&Red, Onyx&White.

10L Item also available at the booth.

- Duel avec toi - robotic arm

*Tentacio* - Radisha headpiece

- Note: Headpiece + Pins included. Both of them come with L/R option.

:[Petrichor]: - Vaera Claws - Female

- Note: 4 Lengths available and multiple colors + textures. Higher graphic options need to be enabled to see the textures.

RAWR! - The Vow FEMALE Ring - Available @ Cosmopolitan

- Note: Comes with a texture HUD and hide options for the rings.

Violent Seduction - Drosera - Legacy

- Note: Comes with a texture HUD for the straps and metals, and hide options for the bra. BoM stockings included in the package.

Pose name: {NR} Sculpted
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