{Aii & Ego} - + Last Kiss Outfit +
- Note: Outfit that consists of multiple elements: The suit, sleeves, necklace, earrings, horns, shoes, spikes, train and stockings. Comes with a texture HUD for customization.
/Vae Victis\ - "Aza Empyrea" - Cosmic Codex
- "Chronos" - Relic Scythe
- "Aza'Telos" - Starforged Monolith (Background element) @ Darkness Event
- Note: The codex and the scythe both come animated, and contain a texture HUD. They are unrigged and resizable. The monolith comes in different sizes and land impact, and also has a texture HUD for customization.
[AERTH] - Angelic body tattoo (FATPACK)
- Note: BoM + EvoX tattoo layer that comes with material shine. Available in several colours, or as a Fatpack. In this photo, I am using the Gold version.
[monso] - Ruya Hair /Mix & Pop